Resource Spotlight | Borneo Research Council


© Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen


Borneo Research Council


For the advancement of knowledge in the social, biological and medical sciences


The Council is composed of an international group of scholars engaged in research in Borneo. The Council's goals are to:

  • Promote scientific research in the social, biological, and medical sciences in Borneo;

  • Permit the research community, interested Borneo government departments, and others to keep abreast of ongoing research and its results;

  • Serve as a vehicle for drawing attention to urgent research and its results;

  • Coordinate the flow of information on Borneo research arising from many diverse sources;

  • Disseminate rapidly the initial results of research activity;

  • Inform the interested public on research in Borneo.

Other functions include providing counsel and assistance to research endeavors, conservation activities, and the practical application of research results.


Kejaman Chief’s Door
© Sarawak State Museum | Malaysia

Carved Figure for 1899 Peace Treaty between Kenyah, Kayan, and Klemantan Maru
© Sarawak State Museum | Malaysia

Ceremonial Beaded Jacket
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Germany

Woman’s Skirt
© Yale University Art Gallery | Connecticut, USA

Large Carving of Human-Like Face
© The Dallas Museum of Art | Texas, USA

Warrior's Shield | Kelbit/Kelempit/Kliau/Talawang
© The Dallas Museum of Art | Texas, USA

Figure | Dakan Melanau
© National Museum of Scotland | United Kingdom

Baby Carrier Strut
© National Museum of Scotland | United Kingdom

Punan Ba'a Baby Carrier
© Sarawak State Museum | Malaysia

Shrine Object with Figure Atop a Dwelling Flanked by Two Mythological Animals
© The Dallas Museum of Art | Texas, USA

Hornbill Figure | Kenyalang
© New York Public Library | C. Holt Collection

Wooden Bowl with Bone Panels
© Sarawak State Museum | Malaysia

Iban Mask
© Yale University Art Gallery | Connecticut, USA

Mask Used in Healing Ceremonies
© Yale University Art Gallery | Connecticut, USA

Carved Figure for 1899 Peace Treaty between Kenyah, Kayan, and Klemantan Marudi
© Sarawak State Museum | Malaysia

Shaman’s Box
© Yale University Art Gallery | Connecticut, USA

Work Board
© Yale University Art Gallery | Connecticut, USA


Become a Fellow or Member

Fellows of the Borneo Research Council

Fellows are scholars who are professionally engaged in research in Borneo or using such research in their own studies.

The privileges of Fellows include (1) participation in the organization and activities of the Council; (2) the right to form committees of Fellows to deal with special problems or interests; (3) support of the Council's program of furthering research in the social, biological, and medical sciences in Borneo; (4) subscription to the Borneo Research Bulletin.

The Fellows of the Council serve as a pool of knowledge and expertise on Borneo matters which may be drawn upon to deal with specific problems both in the field of research and in the practical application of scientific knowledge.

Fellowship includes the privilege of a 25% discount on Monographs, Proceedings, and past issues of the Borneo Research Bulletin.

Members of the Borneo Research Council

Membership is open to all individuals who are interested in research in the social, medical, and biological sciences in Borneo and support the goals of the Council. Individual subscribers to the Bulletin are registered automatically as Members.

Members receive a 10% discount on all BRC publications.


Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. Art of the Ancestors does not receive a commission should any of our readers become a fellow or member of Borneo Research Council. Art of the Ancestors is a strictly non-commercial educational platform and has no vested interest in the professional activities of the organization listed above.