Picture Worlds: Greek, Maya, and Moche Pottery at the Getty Villa


Drinking Vessel with the Departure and Recovery of Helen
Greek, made in Athens, Greece, about 490 BCE, Signed by Hieron as potter and Makron as painter
Ceramic, Red Figure
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Bartlett Collection.
Museum purchase with funds from the Francis Bartlett Donation of 1912
Photograph: © 2024 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


Picture Worlds

Greek, Maya, and Moche Pottery

April 10, 2024 – July 29, 2024


Mighty deities, brave heroes, and fantastic beings adorn the terracotta vessels of the ancient Greeks in the Mediterranean, the Maya in central America, and the Moche of northern Peru. This exhibition juxtaposes these three distinct ceramic traditions and explores the ways in which painted pottery served as a dynamic means of storytelling and social engagement.

This exhibition is presented in English and Spanish.

Generous support provided by Jeffrey P. Cunard and the Getty Patron Program.


Exhibition Preview


Cup with the Deeds of Theseus
Greek, made in Athens, Greece, 440-430 BCE
Attributed to the Codrus Painter
The British Museum, London, 1859,0302.2
Image: © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved

Mixing Bowl with Poseidon and Theseus
Greek, made in Athens, Greece, 480-470 BCE
Attributed to the Harrow Painter
Harvard Art Museums / Arthur M. Sackler Museum,
Cambridge, MA. Bequest of David M. Robinson
Image: © Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College

Stirrup-Spout Vessel with a Presentation of Shells
Moche, made in northern Peru, 500-800 CE
Museo Larco, Lima, Peru, ML013653

Plate with Hunters Shooting a Supernatural Bird,
Maya, made in Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico, 600-900 CE
Museo Maya de Cancún, Secretaría de Cultura-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Image: © D.R. Secretaría de Cultura-INAH- MEX.
Ignacio Guevara

Drinking Vessel with the Maize God and Other Supernaturals
Maya, probably made in El Zotz, Guatemala, 600-700 CE
Ceramic with polychrome slip
Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey. Gift of
Stephanie H. Bernheim and Leonard H. Bernheim Jr. in honor of Gillett G. Griffin, 2005-127

Storage Jar with the Ransom of Hektor
Greek, made in Athens, Greece, 520-510 BCE
Wheel-thrown, slip decorated earthenware
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio. Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment.
Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey, 1972.54
Photo: Richard Goodbody, New York

Stirrup-Spout Vessel with Lima Bean Warriors
Moche, made in northern Peru, 650-800 CE
Ceramic and pigment
The Art Institute of Chicago. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.2274
Image:The Art Institute of Chicago / Art Resource, NY

Vessel with a Mother, a Baby, and a Curer
Moche, made in El Brujo, Peru, 300-450 CE
Complejo Arqueológico El Brujo-Museo Cao.
Ministry of Culture, Peru
Image courtesy Ministerio de Cultura, Museo
Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Lima / Museo Cao

Drinking Vessel with a Palace Scene
Maya, made in Motul de San José, 650-750 CE
Signed by Kuluub as painter
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Pre-Columbian Collection, Washington, D.C.
Image: © Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Collection, Washington, D.C.

Drinking Vessel with Way Figures
Maya, probably made in Motul de San José, Guatemala, about 755 CE
Signed by Mo(?)-n Buluch Laj as painter
Ceramic with polychrome slip
Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey. Museum purchase. Fowler McCormick, Class of 1921, Fund, y1993-17

Vessel in the Form of a Warrior Duck
Moche, made in Huacas de Moche, Peru, 500-650 CE
Terracotta, with mother of pearl inlay
Museo Arqueológico “Santiago Uceda Castillo.”
Ministry of Culture of Peru

Cup with Helen and Menelaos between Battle Scenes
Greek, made in Athens, Greece, 540-530 BCE
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Rogers Fund, 1944, 44.11.1
Image: www.metmuseum.org