Resource Spotlight | Werner Forman Archive | Bali


Ceremonial spinning wheel made for use at royal weddings, where the bride's ability to spin and weave would be demonstrated. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 20th C. Place of Origin: Gianyar, Bali. Material Size: Wood. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.


Werner Forman Archive


Werner Forman's life work was devoted to documenting in photographs the history, art, religion and customs of the great civilizations and tribal societies of the past. The archive has extensive collections of photographs of archaeological sites, architecture, evocative landscapes and art from the great museum and private collections of the world.

© Werner Forman Archive

© Werner Forman Archive


Selections from Werner Forman Archive | Bali


Barong Bangkung, a boar's head variant of the Barong dance mask. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982 Place of Origin: Bali. Material Size: Wood, paint, fabric, metal. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

Ceremonial spinning wheel made for use at royal weddings, where the bride's ability to spin and weave would be demonstrated. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 20th C. Place of Origin: Gianyar, Bali. Material Size: Wood. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.

Vishnu (Wisnu) on his mount Garuda. A pillar base once mounted in the centre of the ridge-pole, high up under the roof of a pavilion. Country of Origin: Bali, Indonesia. Culture: Hindu. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum.

Each Balinese community stages regular performances in which Barong, a mythical lion, fights Rangda the Queen of witches. Representing darkness, evil and illness, Rangda is assuaged but not defeated in the constant struggle of good with evil. Performers and some of the audience dance in a trance. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982 Place of Origin: Bali. Material Size: Wood, paint, fabric, metal. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

A mask representing a demon, used in wayang wong performances of the Hindu epics, especially the Ramayana. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982 Place of Origin: Bali. Material Size: Wood, paint, fabric, metal. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.

Ivory kris handle. Balinese men regarded the kris as the main symbol of their social identity, an heirloom that embodied part of the family deity, and had itself vital spiritual force. Often they became among the most sacred treasures kept in temples. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 18th C. Place of Origin: Danganan, Bali. Material Size: Ivory, gold, precious stones. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Dr L. Goldman. Collection, London.

A mask used in wayang wong performances of the Hindu epics, especially the Ramayana. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 20th C. Place of Origin: Bali. Material Size: Wood, paint, fabric, metal. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

Figures known as Pratima or arca lingga, made of gold, or in this example, old coins, are kept in temples and, during festivals animated by the spirits. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: circa 1800AD. Place of Origin: Northern Bali. Material Size: Wood, metal, coins. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.

A sculpture of a European, made for the court of Dewa Agung, king of Klungkung, probably by Chinese craftsmen. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: mid-19th C. Place of Origin: Klungkung, Bali. Material Size: Stone. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

Figures known as Pratima or arca lingga, made of gold, or in this example, old coins, are kept in temples and, during festivals animated by the spirits. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: circa 1800AD. Place of Origin: Northern Bali. Material Size: Wood, metal, coins. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.

Geringsing, double ikat. The design shows in its offering scenes specific Balinese temple architecture in great detail. Offering vessels are clearly discernible. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Bali. Date/Period: 20th C. Place of Origin: Tenganan Pageringsingan. Material Size: Cotton. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Museum fur Volkerkunde, Basel.

Stone sculpture of a seated man. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Place of Origin: Bali. Material Size: Stone. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

Cloth painting, probably used as curtains beside a temple couch. Scenes based on the Hindu epic, the Ramayana show nymphs seducing demons. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: mid-20th C. Place of Origin: Kamasan, Bali. Material Size: Cloth, pigments. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Denpasar Museum, Bali.

The most sacred of Balinese cloths, geringsing wayang kebo, are woven in only one village, using a complex double ikat technique unique in Indonesia. In the village they protect from illness, elsewhere in Bali they are used to encircle bride and groom at weddings, for tooth-filing rites, and as temple gifts. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Bali. Date/Period: 20th C. Place of Origin: Tenganan Pageringsingan. Material Size: Cotton. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Victoria and Albert Museum, London.


Bali. Terraced rice fields. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982 Place of Origin: Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The Pura Dalem at Jagaraga. On an axis through each Balinese village a pura dalem, or demon temple is opposite the celestial pura puseh, home of the gods. The pura dalem is close to the graveyard and essential to placate the fearsome deities of death and cremation. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese/Hindu. Place of Origin: Jagaraga, north Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The Goa Gajah, Elephant Cave, near Bedulu. Demons guard the entrance to a cave once used as a hermitage by Siwaite monks. The demons are interpreted as a symbol of human impotence in the face of the forces of nature. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese/Hindu. Date/Period: 11th Century. Place of Origin: Bedulu, Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The Balinese version of Hinduism has an elaborate calender of festivals associated with each major temple. Here the Barong Landung, revered as deities, return from a symbolic bath. The black giant is Jero Gede , the Big One, and his companion is Jero Luh, the Female. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982. Place of Origin: Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

Heavenly nymphs spout water at the sacred baths of the Goa Gajah, Elephant Cave. Sacred bathing places have curative or protective qualities and are particularly important during temple festivals. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese/Hindu. Date/Period: 11th Century. Place of Origin: Bedulu, Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The tiered structure of Balinese Hindu shrines reproduces the three levels of the cosmos: the under-world, the world of humanity and the towering celestial mountain of the gods. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese/Hindu. Place of Origin: Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The state temple Pura Kehen, Bangli. Turtles, snakes and other creatures representing the underworld support the shrine to Siwa, representing the middle world, while above a towering pagoda of 11 roofs represents the cosmic heavenly mountain, Meru. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese/Hindu. Date/Period: circa 14th C. Place of Origin: Bangli, East Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

The Balinese version of Hinduism has an elaborate calendar of festivals associated with each major temple. Ritual offerings. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1982. Place of Origin: Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.

A dance of heavenly nymphs preceding the appearance of Rangda and Barong. Dance, theatre and ritual are fused in the Balinese adaptation of Hindu culture. Country of Origin: Indonesia. Culture: Balinese. Date/Period: 1980s. Place of Origin: Bali. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive.