Resource Spotlight | “The Commonality of Humans through Art: How Art Connects Mankind through the Ages” — Created and Edited by Stuart Handler
News 15Editorial TeamArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Eric Moltzau Anderson, Alex Arthur
Interview with Peter Lee & Resource Spotlight | “Batik Nyonyas: Three Generations of Art and Entrepreneurship — Nyonya Oeij Soen King, Nyonya Oeij Kok Sing, Jane Hendromartono”
News 15Editorial TeamArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Eric Moltzau Anderson, Alex Arthur
Borneo Mosaic | Sculptural Arts
News 15Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Eric Moltzau Anderson, Alex Arthur
Resource Spotlight | The Jaap Kunst Collection
News 15Editorial TeamArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Eric Moltzau Anderson, Alex Arthur
Cultural History In Focus | “The Brisbane Museum’s Collection of Queensland Shields” by Bill Evans from Tribal Art Magazine + Rainforest Shields: A Tribute to Bill Evans
Cultural History In Focus, Articles Archive 3, News 15Bill EvansArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Bill Evans, The Brisbane Museum, Queensland Shields, Shields
Cultural History In Focus | “Spain’s Well-Kept Secret: Northwest Coast Art in the Museo de América” by Araceli Sanchez Garrido from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 8, Articles Archive 3Araceli Sanchez GarridoArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Ruth Barnes, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Noëlle Ghilain, Jonathan Fogel
Cultural History In Focus | “Atua: Sacred Gods of Polynesia” by Michael Gunn from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 5, Articles Archive 2Michael GunnArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur
Kayanic Art | Aesthetic Traditions of Borneo: Part III
News 4, Cultural History In Focus, Articles Archive 2, Curations 1Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Eyes of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Dallas Museum of Art, Kayanic Art, Kayan Art, Kayaan Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Kayanic, Yale University Art Gallery, Borneo, Borneo Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Penn Museum, The Fowler Museum of UCLA, Fowler Museum, Kayanic Sculpture, Kayanic State, Modang, KITLV, Sol Stanoff, C-14, C-14 Dating, Radiocarbon Dating, C-14 Radiocarbon Dating, Punan Ba, Sarawak, Asian Civilisations Museum, Tropenmuseum, NMVW, Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, Sarawak State Museum, Antonio Guerreiro, C14 Dating of Dayak Art, Bernard Sellato, Michael Heppell, Dayak 2, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Reimar Schefold, Prix International du Livre d'Art Tribal, Sir David Attenborough, Jean-Paul Barbier, Art of the Archaic Indonesians, Alex Arthur, Tribal Art Magazine, Jonathan Fogel, Indonesian Shields, Astri Wright, Borneo Arts, Kayanic Arts, The Dallas Museum of Art, DMA
Cultural History In Focus | “New Ireland: Art of the South Pacific” by Michael Gunn from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 4, Articles Archive 2Michael GunnArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur
Cultural History In Focus | “Royal Hawaiian Featherwork (Na Hulu Ali’i)” by Christina Hellmich from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 4, Articles Archive 2Christina HellmichArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Christine Hellmich
Kayanic Art | Aesthetic Traditions of Borneo: Part II
News 4, Cultural History In Focus, Articles Archive 2, Curations 1Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Eyes of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Dallas Museum of Art, Kayanic Art, Kayan Art, Kayaan Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Kayanic, Yale University Art Gallery, Borneo, Borneo Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Penn Museum, The Fowler Museum of UCLA, Fowler Museum, Kayanic Sculpture, Kayanic State, Modang, KITLV, Sol Stanoff, C-14, C-14 Dating, Radiocarbon Dating, C-14 Radiocarbon Dating, Punan Ba, Sarawak, Asian Civilisations Museum, Tropenmuseum, NMVW, Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, Sarawak State Museum, Antonio Guerreiro, C14 Dating of Dayak Art, Bernard Sellato, Michael Heppell, Dayak 2, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Reimar Schefold, Prix International du Livre d'Art Tribal, Sir David Attenborough, Jean-Paul Barbier, Art of the Archaic Indonesians, Alex Arthur, Tribal Art Magazine, Stanley J. O'Connor, Adria Katz, Barbara Watson Andaya, Jonathan Fogel, Albert van Zonneveld, Indonesian Shields, Astri Wright
Cultural History In Focus | “The Korwar Collection of Henry Blekkink” by Karel Weener from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 3, Articles Archive 2Karel WeenerArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Noëlle Ghilain, Karel Weener, Jonathan Fogel
Cultural History In Focus | “Re-Collecting Father Viegen's Asmat Objects” by Karel Weener from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, Articles Archive 1Karel WeenerArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Noëlle Ghilain, Karel Weener, Jonathan Fogel
Cultural History In Focus | “Textiles and Dragon-Snakes: The Vatter Collection in Frankfurt” by Ruth Barnes from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 3, Articles Archive 1Ruth BarnesArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Ruth Barnes, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Noëlle Ghilain, Jonathan Fogel
Kayanic Art | Aesthetic Traditions of Borneo: Part I
News 3, Articles Archive 1, Curations 1Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Eyes of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Dallas Museum of Art, Kayanic Art, Kayan Art, Kayaan Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Kayanic, Yale University Art Gallery, Borneo, Borneo Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Penn Museum, The Fowler Museum of UCLA, Fowler Museum, Kayanic Sculpture, Kayanic State, Modang, KITLV, Sol Stanoff, C-14, C-14 Dating, Radiocarbon Dating, C-14 Radiocarbon Dating, Punan Ba, Sarawak, Asian Civilisations Museum, Tropenmuseum, NMVW, Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, Sarawak State Museum, Antonio Guerreiro, C14 Dating of Dayak Art, Bernard Sellato, Michael Heppell, Dayak 2, Eyes of the Ancestors: The Arts of Island Southeast Asia at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Reimar Schefold, Prix International du Livre d'Art Tribal, Sir David Attenborough, Jean-Paul Barbier, Art of the Archaic Indonesians, Alex Arthur, Tribal Art Magazine, Stanley J. O'Connor, Adria Katz, Barbara Watson Andaya, Jonathan Fogel, Albert van Zonneveld, Indonesian Shields, Astri Wright, Top Posts
Meet Me in Paris | Prelude to Parcours des Mondes
News 3Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Parcours des Mondes, Parcours des Mondes International Art Fair, Alain Dufour, Galerie Afrique, Alexander Ancient Art, Alexander Ancient Art - Authentic Antiquities, Arteas Ltd, Arteas Ltd: Egyptian Art, Arts d'Australie, Stéphane Jacob, Galerie Jean-Baptiste Bacquart, Jean-Baptiste Bacquart, J.BAGOT Arqueología, J. Bagot, J.BAGOT Arqueología – Ancient Art, Galerie Alain Bovis, Alain Bovis, Chris Boylan, Chris Boylan Oceanic Art, Gallery Chris Boylan Oceanic Art, Cahn Contemporary, Olivier Castellano, La Galerie d'Olivier Castellano, Kevin Conru, Conru African and Oceanic Art, Dalton Somaré, Fine African Art Dalton Somaré, Dalton Somaré Milano, Dandrieu African Art | Arte Africana / Rome / Paris, Dandrieu African Art, Dandrieu - Giovagnoni, Galerie Dartevelle - Arts Primitifs, Galerie Dartevelle, Jo De Buck - Tribal Arts, Jo De Buck, Dimondstein Tribal Arts, Galerie Laurent Dodier: Art Tribal, Galerie Laurent Dodier, Galerie Dodier, Martin Doustar - Ancient & Tribal Art, Martin Doustar, Galerie Bernard Dulon, Bernard Dulon, Galerie Eberwein, Entwistle, The Entwistle Gallery, Erik Farrow, Farrow Fine Art, Yann Ferrandin, Yann Ferrandin Fine Tribal Art, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Pierre Moos, Noëlle Ghilain, Finch & Co, Finch & Co Art & Antiques, Galerie Flak, Flak Gallery | Ancient Tribal Art from Africa, Oceania and Americas, Bruce Frank, Bruce Frank Primitive Art Gallery, Galerie Patrik Frölich, Galerie Fröhlich | Afrikanische Kunst und Ozeanische Kunst, Bernard de Grunne, Galerie Bernard de Grunne, Bernard de Grunne — Tribal Fine Arts, Michael Hamson, Michael Hamson Oceanic Art, Harmakhis, Harmakhis Jacques Billen, Wayne Heathcote, Collection of Wayne Heathcote, Galerie Eric Hertault, Eric Hertault Gallery, Eric Hertault | Tribal Art, Galerie d'Art asiatique Hioco, Christophe Hioco, Galerie antiquités asiatiques Christophe Hioco, Jonathan Hope, Jonathan Hope Tribal Art and Textiles, Charles-Wesley Hourdé, Charles-Wesley Hourdé - Arts d'Afrique, d'Océanie et d'Amérique, Galerie L’Ibis, Kapil Jariwala Gallery, Galerie Olivier Larroque, Galerie Abla & Alain Lecomte, Joe Loux, Joe Loux Asian and Tribal Art, Galerie Franck Marcelin, Galerie Franck Marcelin: Art Océanien - Art Tribal - Art Premier, Librairie Mazarine, Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art, Galerie Meyer, Mingei Gallery, Mingei Gallery | Japanese Arts, Galerie Monbrison, Monbrison Gallery, Galeria Guilhem Montagut, Guilhem Montagut Gallery, Montagut Gallery galería de arte, Pascassio Manfredi, Lucas Ratton, Galerie Lucas Ratton, Alexis Renard, Alexis Renard | Islamic Art - Indian Art, Galerie Nicolas Rolland, Rostoker Tribal Art Books, Max Rutherston Ltd., Netsuke Dealer | Max Rutherston Ltd | Japanese Antiques London, Adrian Schlag, Adrian Schlag — Tribal Art Classics, Serge Schoffel — Art Premier, Serge Schoffel, David Serra, David Serra - Fine Tribal Art - Tribal Art Gallery, Runjeet Singh Limited, Runjeet Singh, Galerie Tarantino, La Galerie Tarantino, Michel Thieme, Michel Thieme Tribal Art, Galerie Vallois, Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois Gallery, Voyageurs et Curieux, Travelers and curious - Galerie Arts Premiers d'Océanie, Kyveli Alexiou, Parcours des Mondes | International Art Fair
Cultural History In Focus | “Decorated Mats of the Peoples of the Borneo Hinterland” by Jonathan Fogel and Bernard Sellato from Tribal Art Magazine
Cultural History In Focus, News 2, Articles Archive 1, Bernard SellatoJonathan Fogel and Bernard SellatoArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Jonathan Fogel, Bernard Sellato, Tribal Art Magazine, Alex Arthur, Borneo Articles
Steven G. Alpert's Top Trade Periodicals for Asian Art Research | Orientations, Tribal Art Magazine, HALI Magazine, Arts of Asia, and Asian Art Newspaper
News 2, Curations 1Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Orientations, Tribal Art, Tribal Art Magazine, HALI, HALI Magazine, Arts of Asia, Asian Art Newspaper, Yifawn Lee, Frances McDonald, Alex Arthur, Pierre Moos, Ben Evans, Daniel Shaffer, HALI Publications, Asian Art Hong Kong, Tuyet Nguyet, Robin Markbreiter, Noëlle Ghilain, 1, Top Posts, Jonathan Fogel
Cultural History In Focus | “An Early Ivory Spoon with Stylistic Connections to Eastern Indonesia” by Steven G. Alpert from Tribal Art Magazine
News 1, Articles Archive 1Steven G. AlpertArt of the Ancestors, Steven G. Alpert, Asian Art, Island Southeast Asian Art, Oceanic Art, Asiatica, Ethnographica, Ethnographic Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Primitive Art, Indonesian Art, Tribal Art, Eyes of the Ancestors, Dr. Reimar Schefold, Alex Arthur, Tribal Art Magazine, Jonathan Fogel